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February 3rd - 26th

in the Robert Montgomery Auditorium


Directed by Eric Spencer

  DEATHTRAP Poster  


Seemingly comfortably ensconced in his charming Connecticut home, Sidney Bruhl, a successful writer of Broadway thrillers, is struggling to overcome a "dry" spell which has resulted in a string of failures and a shortage of funds. A possible break in his fortunes occurs when he receives a script from a student in the seminar he has been conducting at a nearby college—a thriller which Sidney recognizes immediately as a potential Broadway hit. Sidney's plan, which he devises with his wife's help, is to offer collaboration to the student, an idea which the younger man quickly accepts. Thereafter suspense mounts steadily as the plot begins to twist and turn with devilish cleverness, and with such an abundance of thrills and laughter, that audiences will be held enthralled until the final, startling moments of the play.


Tickets are available online HERE




Sidney Bruhl:  Ashley Hurd

Clifford Anderson:  Chris Dolan

Myra Bruhl:  Ronni Wolfe

Porter Milgrim:  Tyler Miller

Helga Ten Dorp:  Rana Teresa Tan





Director:  Eric Spencer

Stage Manager:  Kristopher Jones

Set Design/Props:  Rana Teresa Tan

Lighting Design:  Eric Spencer

Sound Design:  Kenny James

Sound/Lightboard Operator:  Ta'Mara Bale

Set Build:  Paul Adkins, Bill Buhl,

Claude Abbott, Eric Spencer &

 Rana Teresa Tan

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Bremerton Community Theatre, Inc.
599 Lebo Boulevard, Bremerton, WA 98310
360-373-5152 or 1-800-863-1706
Copyright © 2006-2017 Bremerton Community Theatre